Saturday, July 10, 2010

The mermaid's waiting

The mermaid sat on the rock, waiting for her prince to arrive.She had been up here for last two years, everyday, braving every hindrance that came her way.But there was no sign of that prince, who once saved her from the fisherman's net.
She wondered, "three more days and i will not be allowed up here" as per the promise she made to her sister.
"will my prince ever come back in search of me or is all my waiting futile"
The sun went down, soon it was dark, and the mermaid in disappointment went back to her abode.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


That night he shared iwth me his painful story, which resembled mine.
It reminded me of my run away time towards the shore that offered me solace and comfort, untill one day a kindly gentlemen offered to take me home , and later supported my education, which is the reason for my life today.Now the onus was on me, i found in the boy my broken image, a shattered childhood, my resolve to take him into my family grew.

A year later , iam standing at the same shore, watching with joy both the sunset and a sunrise, a sunrise in the new life that has begun for my new found friend, friend of that evening which changed my life.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

one evening

It was dusk,i looked at the sun bidding goodbye to the world around, leaving behind its sweet kisses in the form of splendid colors .Soon it was gone with only little light left behind, when i noticed a boy walking down towards me.
He stopped by me and looked intently at me.His face looked grave unlike his age.
"What do you want ?" .I asked
"Do you have some money?".He asked.
"You don't look like a beggar boy, why do you need money.?"I asked
"I want to buy some hope for my life, there is no hope left with me.I feel hopeless".He answered.
I was taken aback by his answer, for i never thought he will answer in this ironical manner.
"Who told you money can give you hope?".I asked.
"Don't you know sir, all is well if you have lots of money, and nothings well if you don't have any.Just give me some starter cash, i will find some work , study at night and pay you back".He answered.
"what makes you ask me?".
"Sir, i have seen you come here every evening, when i thought iam all alone in this world , i would turn and spot you somewhere around.I lost my job few days back, and have no one to go to, only person i felt bonded to was you."
"i have seen you watch the sun set with such loving gaze, i have seen hope for me in your eyes.Would you help me get some hope from you?".
Like the boy i myself have wandered across that landscape to see someone sharing in that view of setting sun, oftimes i had noticed a tiny figure sitting on the rock far away and though i had always wanted to see , who it could be, somehow i could never do that.But the mere presence of that figure was very comforting.I took the boy home to hear more of his story.